Teaching is a dynamic occupation. So when it comes time to change textbooks, make sure you cover all your priorities with this helpful guide.
Has it ever happened to you, that you had a good course plan worked out – and then the department changed the textbook? Maybe it’s just an updated version, [read more...]
Higher Ed
Making the Most of Virtual Office Hours
2018-05-16Austin Community College Speech professor Tasha Davis, Ph.D., shares her experience with hosting virtual office hours and ways to maximize your one-on-one time with students.
Each semester I establish a set schedule to hold office hours and communicate to students both in the course syllabus and [read more...]
What Is an Academic Writing Tone?
The struggle often happens to determine what an academic writing tone is, and what it is not. Is the academic tone made up of multisyllabic words? Perfect grammar? Really long sentences? Well, yes. But that’s not the complete picture.
It’s understandable that [read more...]