Checking the Plagiarism Checkers
What those Similarity Reports might not be telling you...
Plagiarism is not a new phenomenon in education, but the widespread use of plagiarism checking tools by students, teachers, and institutions is fairly recent. It used to be up to teachers to discover [read more...]
OnMusic Fundamentals Placement Exam Now FREE!
As a commitment to making high quality instructional materials available at an affordable price or, whenever possible free for students, we have decided to make our standard 100-question OnMusic Fundamentals Placement Exam (OMFPE) freely available as an [read more...]
Do you use graded online discussions in your class? Here's a few ways to avoid violating FERPA in discussion forums.
by Brenda Thomas
Everybody who works for an educational institution that receives any federal funds needs to understand and abide by FERPA (a.k.a The Buckley Amendment). On [read more...]