Sourcing and Citation: A Practiced Technique
Finding and using sources; how did you learn the process? Perhaps it was something you honed through middle school and high school, gathering information from encyclopedias and web sites and laboriously incorporating them into a paper or science project. [read more...]
I have to teach an online course I didn’t develop?
If you find yourself in the position of having to teach a course developed by others, you can still make it be your own by mastering the content and LMS, reporting corrections and recommending improvements, and exhibiting your expertise through the [read more...]
What Can I Write About?
2018-08-07How to find writing topics that are useful and relevant but not overdone.
It comes up every semester: about which topics will your students write? Whether they are working on argumentative writing, research skills, or general fluency with the written word, they will need to have something specific [read more...]