Austin Community College Speech professor Tasha Davis, Ph.D., shares her experience with hosting virtual office hours and ways to maximize your one-on-one time with students.
Each semester I establish a set schedule to hold office hours and communicate to students both in the course syllabus and [read more...]
The Job
4 Simple Steps for Keeping Track of Grades
2018-02-21Stay on top of your grades this semester by following these four simple steps.
by Louisa Danielson
The early part of a new semester is the perfect time to re-evaluate your personal grading system. Maybe you have a method that works – wonderful! But maybe you’re looking for a way to [read more...]
10 Myths About Teaching Online
2017-12-07I started teaching online courses four years ago, and I have to admit, when I first began preparing, I had little idea of what my role was. I half-imagined a scenario where students and professors were robots, inputting and outputting information through a computer system. I have since learned that [read more...]